According to the FBI, in 2008, the U.S. violent crime, homicide, and property crime rates were 454.5, 5.4, and 3,213 respectively, per 100,000 population. Not taking into account the city you live in, your personal demographics, or how you spend your time, this means that the odds of becoming a victim of a violent crime or homicide are roughly 0.46%, and the odds for property crime are 3.21%.
You NEED to take this seriously, because there are simple steps you can take to decrease your personal risk. It is essential that you understand how to protect yourself, your family and your property if presented with a dangerous situation. See below for two simple lists (by no means exhaustive).
How to Protect Yourself from Violent Crime and Homicide
• Complete at least an introductory self defense class – I have been taking Krav Maga for three years now, but five 1-hour, weekly classes at any reputable school can be fun and make an amazing difference in your overall safety. Bring a friend, and you can train together.
• Carry some type of self defense product with stopping power – Many people don’t want to carry a gun or knife, and for good reason: These are expensive, often difficult to carry, and can end someone’s life. Technology has advanced, and Tasers, Stun Guns, and Pepper Spray are inexpensive, easy to carry and inconspicuous, cause no permanent damage, and generally have MORE stopping power.
• Carry a personal alarm – In addition to a product with stopping power, personal alarms serve as a HUGE deterrent for would-be attackers. These fit on your keychain and, often times, have conveniences such as a flashlight.
• Evaluate how and where you spend your time – Make smart decisions that don’t put you in dangerous situations: Avoid certain bars, park under street lights, don’t walk the city alone, lock your doors and windows, limit your alcohol intake. Consider the many small decisions you make on a day-to-day basis that could affect
As a final note, notice that the title of this article is “How to Protect Yourself From Violent Crime, Homicide, and Property Crime,” not “How To Avoid Becoming a Victim” or “How To Not Get Attacked.” This is intentional: While there are many important decisions you can make to avoid dangerous situations, you should never think of personal safety as things you’re NOT doing. Make choices, take steps, and DO whatever it takes to protect yourself, your family, and your property.
How to Protect Yourself from Property Crime
• Have some type of self defense product with stopping power accessible – Many people don’t own a gun, and for good reason: These are expensive, dangerous to have in the home, and can end someone’s life. Technology has advanced, and Tasers, Stun Guns, and Pepper Spray are inexpensive, easy to use, cause no permanent damage, and generally have MORE stopping power.
• Install some form of home security system – Some people like having fully automated security systems. The important thing with a security system is that it has an alarm of some type, because these are great deterrents. You can get simple home alarms to place in windows etc…. I know some people that don’t have a full system, but put the ADT sign outside as a deterrent-I don’t know how ADT feels about this, but I hope they’re happy to help deter criminals. Don’t rely on the system calling the company or 911; response times average around 30 minutes. Cameras are great to have, but they are useful only for assigning liability after the fact. The safety of you and your family is the most important.
• Evaluate where you choose to live – Consider the type of neighborhood you move into: Look up crime statistics in your neighborhood using local government websites. Consider the type of building you move into: Houses, apartments, and condos all have different risks to consider which must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Consider the local school system: This is one of the best indicators of the safety of the neighborhood. These considerations become even more important as you purchase a home and/or have kids.
As a final note, notice that the title of this article is “How To Protect Yourself From Crime,” not “How To Avoid Becoming a Victim” or “How To Not Get Attacked.” This is intentional: While there are many important decisions you can make to avoid dangerous situations, you should never think of personal safety as things you’re NOT doing. Make choices, take steps, and DO whatever it takes to protect yourself, your family, and your property.
[ad_2]Source by Stephen Buller